Spooky Reads For The Halloween Season – The Cedarstone Chronicles by Sean Stone

I first found Sean Stone through his Arcane Inc series – back in the day when I actually got facebook ads for books I might like to read. So reading the blurb and thinking that sounds cool – wizards and vampires stuff – I read those, then realised whilst reading there was a series before it set in the same area with some of the same characters.

So I finished off Arcane Inc and went back to The Cedarstone Chronicles. Definitely an excellent dark and gritty series set in the town of Cedarstone with warlocks, witches, vampires and werewolves and a good bit of violence. Definitely worthy of being called Dark Fantasy.

The blurb from Cursed – Book One of the Cedarstone Chronicles:

Arthur Winters is out of options and soon he’ll be out of time. The curse that stole the powers from all the sorcerers in town will soon be completed and his coven will remain powerless forever. He’s tried to defeat the council who cast the curse and he has failed numerous times. He has one option remaining. He must wake Nickolas Blackwood. Nickolas Blackwood is an immortal with a notorious reputation. Fifty-four years ago he was trapped in a state of eternal suffering by the coven which Arthur now leads. In order to defeat the council and break the curse Arthur must awaken him and risk adding another name to his already long list of enemies.

There is some interesting history flash backed to in this series with an original take on the Egyptian Gods and out of a lot of fantasy novels that tell a tale of the Egyptian Gods this is definitely one of my favourites.

Join his facebook group for news, updates and weekly member draw from the spooky hat for free paperbacks Sean Stone’s Coven of Stoners. Follow his facebook page then his goodreads page to add his books to your tbr lists. Go to amazon to buy his books now. Visit his website to sign up to his newsletter and get a free book – Warlock in Hiding, a novella from his next series Arcane Inc set after the Cedarstone Chronicles. He also has an instagram page you can follow.